February 28, 2023
This month both 3CatMax and Chestnut and Hemlock hosted a skill building challenge for wooden jigsaw puzzle cutters. The link for this initiative is here #CutYourHeartOut

July 15, 2021
Cutting a swan within a swan

July 15, 2021
Since the pandemic resulted in a rescheduling of the 2020 Puzzle Parley, the steering committee has decided to host a 2021 Virtual Puzzle Parley. This event is being hosted online via Zoom 7/17/21 and 7/18/21. You can register for free and experience a Puzzle Parley at home for the first time. Click or visit this link to connect to the live event: https://www.puzzleparley.org/zoomlink.html
Here is a photo of the Black Swan puzzles I cut for the Pagey Elliott Jigsaw Puzzle Exchange. More photos to follow after the conclusion of the Virtual Puzzle Parley.

September 13, 2018
Although I did not participate in this year's (PEPE) puzzle cutters' exchange, I did cut two puzzles of the art piece "Amsterdam at Night". This piece was photographed and created by Juan Pablo de Miguel. He provided me permission to cut one puzzle for the Puzzle Parley (that I gifted to an attendee) and another for him. It was a delight to cut this piece and my thanks again to Juan for the opportunity!

August 10, 2014
Another great Puzzle Parley was hosted by Bob Armstrong, Liz Plataisee, Melinda Shebell and Anne Williams in Salem, MA, at The Hawthorne Hotel. Included in this year's agenda was an open house hosted by Jardin Puzzles to view her collection of antique jigsaw puzzles. Concluding the weekend was another open house hosted by Saul Bobroff of 'Here to There Puzzles'. Saul's collection includes over 3000 clever & unique mechanical puzzles. More updates & photos from the Parley to follow!
December 12, 2013
I've got butterflies in my stomach!

August 18, 2012
Playing with color on the wood and developing a different type of cut than circular swirls.

August 4, 2012
This year's Parley was charged with excitement, innovative puzzling creations, both new and old friends, and a high spectrum of creativity. I don't know how it happens but each Parley seems to exceed itself from the previous. A big thank you to those involved in hosting this event including Bob Armstrong, Melinda Shebell, Kelly Taylor and Anne Williams!
There were more puzzle cutters in attendance this year than previously and it was my second time exchanging puzzles for the Pagey Elliott Puzzle Cutter's Exchange. I've managed to assemble all but four of the puzzles so far. Some are especially tricky!

Those cutters with whom I exchanged include the following:
Custom Puzzle Craft, Dep Qua Puzzles, Fivefrogs Woodworking, Fools Gold, Grandpa TJ Wooden Puzzles, Graves Puzzles, Jardin Puzzles, Liberty Puzzles, MGC Puzles, Nervous Systems, Pigeon Puzzles, Platinum Puzzles, Thingamajigsaw Puzzles and Turtleteasers Puzzles
Congratulations to John Stokes and Melinda Schebell for winning "The Cutter's Choice" award and "The Best in Show" award, respectively.
Also, many thanks to my teammates, Beth Collins, Keith Graves (not a spy!) and Yvonne Yang for helping me rediscover my passion for assembling puzzles. Following Chris Wirth's presentation about Liberty Puzzles, he presented the group with an informal challenge similar to the National Jigsaw Puzzle Championships held in Athens, Ohio during the 1980s. Our team took second place in assembling the Liberty Puzzles challenge and first place in fun!
July 15, 2012
I have been very busy preparing for the 2012 Puzzle Parley and in particular, the Pagey Elliott Puzzle Exchange! Here are the final puzzles prepared over the past five months.

July 5, 2012
Several puzzles for puzzle exchange (work still in progress)

July 2, 2012
Visiting a local lumber yard in southern Florida today to see what type of wood they may be able to offer for my puzzling escapades.
June 30, 2012
Preparing for Puzzle Parley. Details to follow regarding puzzles being prepared for the Pagey Elliott Puzzle Exchange. This effort began in March of this year and I hope to include preview photos soon. Am currently putting final touches of each of the 14 puzzles to be exchanged including the 15th puzzle for display.
Debating the possible sale of two larger puzzles created in the spirit of the puzzle exchange. These two are each approximately 12" by 7.5".