2021 Puzzle Exchange - July 18, 2021
This was my fourth time exchanging puzzles for the Pagey Elliott Puzzle Cutter's Exchange.

Jigsaw puzzle cutters participating in this year's exchange include: 3 Cat Max, Chris Yates Studios, Dep Qua Puzzles, Glenwood Puzzles, Jigsaw Art, Nervous System, Pixels Puzzles, Quill Pig Puzzles, Shay's Puzzle Workshop
2012 Puzzle Exchange - August 4, 2012
This was my second time exchanging puzzles for the Pagey Elliott Puzzle Cutter's Exchange. I've managed to assemble all but four of the puzzles so far. Some are especially tricky!

Jigsaw puzzle cutters participating in this year's exchange include: Custom Puzzle Craft, Dep Qua Puzzles, Fivefrogs Woodworking, Fools Gold, Grandpa TJ Wooden Puzzles, Graves Puzzles, Jardin Puzzles, Liberty Puzzles, MGC Puzles, Nervous System, Pigeon Puzzles, Pixels Puzzles, Platinum Puzzles, Thingamajigsaw Puzzles, Turtleteasers Puzzles